Low Bridge Counts High

Bike Counts on the Spokane Street Bridge: +5.8% more bike trips this year through September, compared to same time in 2018.  2018 ended at 8.6% above 2017.

Seattle Bike Blog has a post today about the awesome increases at the Fremont Bridge. Counts from West Seattle confirm the trend.

Ridership would surely be even higher if we were not contending this year with

  • the Avalon Way paving project;
  • riding through the middle of a large homeless encampment on an isolated stretch of trail (now cleared);
  • the messy and confusing Alaskan Way viaduct demo work;
  • lack of progress on bike master plan implementation.

On the plus side this year:

  • good weather in January (offset by ice and snow in February) and a summer without smoke;
  • traffic congestion, including crowded buses slowed by Viaduct demo impacts;
  • increasing popularity of e-bikes.
  • What  else?