Terrible tracks no more

Some good news! The terrible track crossing on the Duwamish Trail by the cement plants was fixed last week with permanent steel-edged precast concrete panels.

We’ve been asking for years. This kind of spot improvement makes it safe and comfortable to travel by bike. Thank you to SDOT and BNSF!

And, thank you to Desiree Serr for the photo.

This is an actively used rail line, so do watch for trains, and cross tracks at 90 degree angle.

Remember Robb Mason. Make a statement

Remember Robb Mason.
Make a statement about safe bike riding and dangerous car driving.
This Friday, July 29, 7 PM
Critical Mass memorial ride from Westlake Center to east end of Spokane St Bridge.
Photo of Robb Mason from his friend Judi and Seattle Bike Blog

Pedaling Relief

Have you heard about the Pedaling Relief Project?  They are inviting new volunteers to deliver groceries by bike from White Center Food Bank to people in need in White Center and West Seattle.

Info and sign up: https://cascade.org/prp-west-seattle-white-center

WSBC Bike and Brew Ride May 14!

The 5th Annual West Seattle Bike Connections Bike and Brew ride!

Saturday, May 14, 2022. Meet at 1:oo pm ready to go for a 1:15pm departure.

Meet at Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW)

This social ride is approximately 5 miles each direction with minimal hills and climbing. We’ll ride at a casual 10-12 mph pace and stick together. We’ll be visiting a family-friendly brewery in Georgetown. All ages are welcome, but riders under age 16 should bBike riders on the First Avenue South bridge bike lanee accompanied by an adult. Could be rain showers, so just dress accordingly.  Please join us!


Bike Everywhere Day May 20, 2022

Join West Seattle Bike Connections, SDOT and the Flip Your Trip team from 6-9 AM and again from 4-7 PM where bike trails meet just west of the West Seattle Low Bridge. Satisfy your morning hunger with homemade baked goods and coffee, and tasty treats and bikey beverages at both events. Get advice on safe routes and equipment, including the latest information on construction of the upcoming East Marginal Way S Corridor Improvement Project, and a selfie with Sal the Salmon. Simple bike repairs come courtesy of Westside Bicycles in the morning and Bike Works in the afternoon. Light sets, bandannas, koozies and other swag will be available, and you can sign up for a prize giveaway from local businesses.

If you can volunteer to help for an hour or 9 two between 6 and 9 am, email us at westseattlebikeconnections@gmail.com .

Delridge Parks & Art Ride May 28

Let’s explore parks and public art in Delridge!

Join us for a social ride from Delridge Community Center, May 28 at 9:30 am.  8.6 mile route with hills at leisurely (10-12 mph) pace. We welcome people of all ages, languages, ethnicity, genders, and abilities.

Pre-registration required and limited to 20 riders.  Registration and more detailed ride info here.

This is a Cascade Bicycle Club Free Group Ride co-sponsored by West Seattle Bike Connections and Delridge Community Center.

Delridge Bike Fun May 21!

Come join us for three hours of bike fun May 21 10 am to 1 pm at Delridge Community Center.

We are putting on a bike rodeo with Delridge Community Center staff with skills course and bike decoration for young riders. Bike Works will bring their mobile repair van. Outdoors for All will have adaptive cycles for children and adult riders with disabilities to try. Children’s hospital will have some helmets to give away and helmet fitting. Seattle mounted police may visit on their horses. Free snacks!

Free event. Registration is not required.

We need a couple more rodeo wranglers.  Can you help? Email westseattlebikeconnections@gmail.com

West Marginal Way SW / Duwamish Trail missing link

SDOT announced a decision for the Duwamish Trail missing link on West Marginal Way SW: Protected bike lanes will be installed after the West Seattle Bridge reopens in mid-2022.

While sooner would be better, it is good to have this commitment from SDOT to permanently improve safety for bike riders and vehicle drivers on West Marginal Way SW. Reducing the opportunities for reckless right-side passing by impatient drivers should reduce the frequent crashes that tie up traffic for hours and injure people using this route. WMW is an essential freight route. We understand the need to prioritize freight and to accommodate all others who must use this street.
Kudos to the SDOT Vision Zero team. They developed a creative plan and reached out and listened to all who depend on this street for transportation and for safe pedestrian crossing at the Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center.
This will fill in a missing link in the Duwamish Trail, a regional bike commuting and recreational route leading to the Alki Trail, West Seattle Junction, South Park, Georgetown, Green River Trail, Tukwila, SODO, Downtown Seattle, and the Mountains to Sound Trail. The route serves marginalized communities in the Duwamish Valley. This route is critical for all bike traffic between northern West Seattle and Greater Seattle at times when the Spokane Street Bridge is closed to bike traffic for inspections and repairs. The improvements will make the route safer for commuting by bike, especially in winter and at night, and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.

Bike Everywhere Day Celebration Station – Friday May 21

6 to 9 a.m. 5/21/21.
Come visit our Bike Everywhere Day station where the trails meet at the west end of the Spokane Street Bridge!
In partnership with Commute Seattle, WSBC will be joined by Westside Bicycle and Bike Works, who will be providing bike checks and simple repairs. We’ll have information on bicycling routes, giveaways (including a bike from Bike Works!) and a selfie booth to snap a #FlipYourTrip photo with Sal the Salmon, courtesy of SDOT. Volunteers will be on hand to answer your local cycling questions–from commuting to just getting started. We look forward to seeing you!
Check out Cascades Bicycle Club’s map for other celebration stations and Bike Month activities. https://cascade.org/rides-and…/bike-everywhere-month-2021
Four people standing and chatting, one with bike, at our Bike Everywhere Day Celebration Station. People with bikes meeting in early morning at our Bike Everywhere Day Celebration Station table and tent. Councilmember Lorena Gonzales with e-bike at our Bike Everywhere Day Celebration Station.

Crash in Georgetown kills bike rider

We are heartbroken for the person killed yesterday by the driver of a semi-truck on S Michigan St, and family and friends.  Sorry for the truck driver, too.
Reports of circumstances and cause are conflicting. The investigation is not complete.  The news reports, blog comments and police blotter are all likely to be incorrect. No matter the cause, we grieve this loss.
In Georgetown and SODO,  people must use the same streets whether they are biking or driving heavy trucks. Most unfortunately, this fatal crash is not the first. This is why we need the Mayor and Council to fund and SDOT to build safe bike routes through Georgetown and SODO with decent paving, and separation of bike riders from heavy trucks on arterials, and traffic calming and street edge definition on minor streets. Drivers of large trucks have huge blind spots. Intersections on arterials with heavy truck traffic need to be designed and marked for safety of cyclists and pedestrians and turning movements of trucks. The Freight Master Plan and Bicycle Master Plan show what to do [FMP appendix C] and how to do it. Now, just do it.
UPDATE:  Some folks in Georgetown invite all to join them in a
Map showing truck crashes at intersections in Seattle from 2009 through 2014, with heavy concentration in Georgetown, SODO and downtown.
Truck crashes are frequent in Georgetown and SODO.
Photo of ghost bike by Henry Hargreaves, Brooklyn NY, c 2011, used with permission.