Some great news for pedestrians and cyclists in the Highland Park – Riverview area:
the Highland Park Home Zone plan presented to HPAC this week.
Now open to 2/15 for more input via short survey,
or email, or call 206-400-7511.
Kudos to Craig Rankin for dedicated leadership of Highland Park Action Committee! From his notes:

- It would be good to hear from more people.
- Many planned improvements between SW Roxbury, SW Myrtle, Delridge Way, and 5th Ave SW.
- Very exciting news: accelerated greenway development in HP/Riverview.
- Comments needed on the cycling aspects.
- Missing: connection to the Duwamish Trail. Another chance to request the multi-use path on HP Way.
- Missing: pedestrian crossing improvements at 9th SW/SW Kenyon.
Consider commenting on what looks good in the plan, not just what you think should be added or revised, to show community support.