The West Seattle Bridge is suddenly closed to all traffic, and the Spokane Street Bridge is restricted to emergency first responders, transit, freight, bike and pedestrian traffic. If you are looking for alternative ways to get to an essential job or do an essential errand or some socially distanced exercise, this would be a great time to try it by bike. Traffic is quiet most everywhere. The low bridge has a nice wide ped/bike path fully separated from the heavy truck traffic and connects to several good bike routes.
- We have routes mapped with turn-by-turn directions on our Resources page.
- Seattle Bike Blog just did this great video interview with WSBC year-round bike commuter Anthony Palmieri, with aerial flyover views of the major bike routes.
- If you would like a custom route map, or a bike buddy for a socially distanced but in-person test ride, just send us a message here or shoot us an email at We’ll get you connected to a volunteer who can assist.
Governor Inslee has ordered everyone to stay at home for a period, unless traveling for an essential job or a defined essential errand. However, he also recommended getting out for bike riding and walking as a way to maintain health. We urge you to recognize that this applies to you personally, not just others. Follow King County Health Department protocols; choose uncrowded routes and times of day; only ride solo or with those in your household.
- Photo courtesy of SDOT