Cycling Through Viadoom

Screenshot 2019-01-05 21.58.42A lot of people think using bikes for transportation “won’t work” in West Seattle. Hills. Rain. Dark. But Viadoom is proving that wrong.
Monday, sunny and icy: 1,666 bike trips across the Spokane St Bridge, the most since one day in August.
Thursday, rainy and breezy: 1,027 bike trips over the bridge
The Water Taxi with an extra boat, extra parking lot, street parking restrictions, and extra dial-a-ride vans ($$$) carried only 933 riders.
Every bike rider on the low bridge saves a seat on a bus or a space on the high bridge for someone who needs to drive.
That’s why we want to make bike routes more safe and connected.
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If you want to try it, we’ve got route maps and tips for winter riding at Resources page.