“BIKES MERGE WITH TRAFFIC”?? … no … Bikes ARE traffic.
At the Chelan 5-way intersection tonight.
If the USDOT video of bikes and trucks on East Marginal Way S (with riders from WSBC) does not convince you of the need for safe separation of bike and truck traffic on the main bike route between West Seattle and downtown, maybe this video by one of our founding members will do it.
We need:
1. Port of Seattle, SDOT and WSDOT to require side guards on trucks to deflect pedestrians and bike riders from being caught under the rear wheels. The right hook by the truck driver can happen on any street, driveway or parking lot, not just East Marginal Way. There just happen to be a lot more bikes and trucks on EMW. Side guards make an error by a driver or a rider more forgiving. They should be part of Seattle’s Vision Zero plan.
2. Protected bike lanes on East Marginal Way S from S Atlantic to S Spokane with a concrete barrier like on the Spokane St Bridge, with intersection controls at the terminal driveways, to make it safe and comfortable for all to drive and ride.
3. SPU and SDOT move the fire hydrants from the sidewalk used by cyclists at Terminal 30 and 25.
Real improvements can happen on this road if we pass the Move Seattle levy, so the East Marginal Way Multimodal Corridor Project can be designed and built.