Duwamish Revealed – Ride #2

6:oo pm Friday, August 21

Ride to the Duwamish Revealed performance Signal/Senal at T-107 Park.
10 miles R/T at leisurely 10-12 mph pace using Alki Trail, West Seattle Bridge Trail, Duwamish Trail, with stops to see temporary artwork installations along the way.  Performance is 7 to 9 pm.

From Jack Block Park, 2130 Harbor Ave SW.Start point is first set of restrooms by the colorful anchor floats. Via Alki Trail, West Seattle Bridge Trail, Duwamish Trail, to T-107 Park. 

If driving to Jack Block Park, park OUTSIDE the park on Harbor Ave. The park closes at 9:00 pm. We will get back after 9:00 pm.

Lights and helmets required. Bring a lock, too.

Free, but you need a free ticket to the performance, in advance.