Justice for Jake, and Death on Delridge

DSC04402A driver convicted and awaiting sentencing for a road rage against one of our local heroes. Jake Vanderplas, community leader and initiator with Stu Hennessey of the North Delridge greenways, is a model for calm, responsible riding. Hard to believe that he could have triggered the assault by the driver, who is now awaiting sentencing. Good to see that the courts are taking this kind of crime more seriously.

Meanwhile, same day, another person walking across a street at an intersection was killed by someone driving a car. On Delridge this time. Traffic in the other lane was stopped for the pedestrian. This street has a 35 mph speed limit. The survival rate at that speed is a small fraction of what it is if speeds are reduced to 25 mph.

We need drivers to slow down and pay attention! We all need to walk, ride, and drive with patience and care for each other.

Thank you to West Seattle Blog for the reporting and the community conversations.



Bikes + Trucks + Trains – West Seattle to Downtown

IMG_2253Alon Bassok teaches in UW Civil Engineering’s Masters of Sustainable Transportation program. His class chose to look at commuting by bike from West Seattle to downtown through the Port area.Ā  Coincidentally,Ā  Alon lives in West Seattle and rides a bike, in addition to being extremely knowledgeable about freight mobility, so he could give them some guidance and lead them to resources.Ā  One project stands out for its analysis, graphics, and ideas.Ā  Brian Wood and Bon Provenzano joined us at a recent WSBC meeting to share and discuss their work. Brian came in from Whidbey Island, mostly by bike, and Bon joined via Skype from the north of England.Ā  Take a look!

CEE 563 A – Brian Wood and Bon Provenzano – Modal Conflicts – Partial – Final

Thurs Nov 13 Tweed Ride – WS Bridge to Proletariat

Dress in your warmest, tweediest, and join us for a social ride, food and drink!

Meet at precisely 5:30 p.m. under the West Seattle Bridge where the trails meet, and ride to White Center.

WSBC Tweed Ride 11-13-2014


South Seattle – Can you get there from West Seattle?

Yes, but it may not be for everyone. Could be lot better. Here is a start at some maps of routes.

Easy grades and fairly quiet streets are possible if you go all the way to the International District and double back on 12th S. Thanks to Stu Hennessey for this West Seattle Spokespeople ride route.

A quicker but steeper connection to Mountain to Sound Greenway and Beacon Ave is via busway trail and Holgate, but it’s better westbound. Eastbound involves poor access to a stair carry and sidewalk to get up the Holgate viaduct over I-5.

Via Georgetown is possible a few ways: 1st Ave S Bridge from West Duwamish Trail, or 1st Ave S viaduct from Spokane St Bridge.
There is also the newly re-opened South Park Bridge, via the West Duwamish Trail and route through South Park, but not sure about bike friendly routes on east side. Anybody familiar?

And you can continue south from South Park on busy 14th Ave S, then along a really crappy little trail/mudpatch by the Machinists union to West MargiSW-S Seattle 8 WS Junction-Beacon Ave 8 Alki-Col City bike routenal Place to get to a little ped/bike bridge over the Duwamish at Cecil Moses Park and the East Wind Fish Weir site, and then south on the Green River Trail at S 112th St.


Fauntleroy Blvd Project – please contact Council now

Council Member Rasmussen is proposing to add construction funding to next year’s budget for the Fauntleroy Boulevard project. It includes key bike and road safety improvements, and is funded through design but not for construction. Will you help by emailing City Council memDSC03671bers to boost support? Needed by end of day Wednesday.



Sally Bagshaw

Mike O’Brien

Sally Clark

Ask support for:
Budget Action Title: Add $13 million for construction of the Fauntleroy Way SW Improvement CIP project, amend C.B. 118238 (LTGO Bond Ordinance),

Talking points, (or even better, say what it means to you personally):
It is a major arterial with transit and truck through a developing urban center with lots of apartments and little parking.
Bike and pedestrian improvements will make it more possible for people to live without driving so much, and will let West Seattle absorb growth without this becoming a choke point.
It will make it a safe and welcoming entry to West Seattle from the freeway.
It has been in the neighborhood plan for over 15 years, and it’s in the Bicycle Master Plan.
A lot has been invested in design. Now it’s time to implement and make good on that investment.

Background (and you don’t need all this in your message):

Fauntleroy Way serves many purposes; it is a key entrance to West Seattle, a designated freight and bicycle route, and is home to numerous retail businesses and new residential developments. However, this portion of Fauntleroy Way has poorly defined sidewalks, significant distances between marked pedestrian crossings, no dedicated space for bike riders, and minimal landscaping.

The Fauntleroy Way SW Improvement Project builds upon previous planning work done by the community. Discussions of improvements to Fauntleroy Way began in 1999, when the West Seattle Junction Hub Neighborhood Plan identified streetscape improvements in this area, and continued through the multi-year West Seattle Triangle planning process. The streetscape plan was formally adopted by SDOT and the Seattle Department of Planning and Development in 2012. In addition, the 2014 Bike Master Plan designated Fauntleroy Way SW for a protected bike lane.

Through several extensive community processes, the residents and business owners in the area have expressed the need for improvements to make this stretch of Fauntleroy Way SW safer for pedestrians and bikes, and highlight its role as a main entrance to West Seattle.

The project design includes a raised median, 6-foot wide sidewalks, protected bike lanes, street lighting and other safety improvements between 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St. Last year, Council added $1.3M to continue design work on this project in the 2014 Adopted Budget, and the project is now at 60% design.

The 2015 Proposed Budget includes $500,000 to complete 100% design on the project by 2Q 2015, but it does not include construction funding. The current construction cost estimate for the project is approximately $13M, based on the 60% design. The beginning of construction by 2015 would be 16 years after the adoption of the Neighborhood Plan first identifying the need for improvements in this area.

Vigil Walk for Zeytuna – Columbia City

Some of us participated in a walk and meeting today for second grader Zeytuna Edo, still hospitalized over a month after a hit and run driver hit her in the marked, signalized crosswalk at S Genesee and MLK. We were there supporting her family and neighbors, with Rainier Valley Greenways, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, Mayor Murray, Councilmember Harrell, Anthony Auriemma, SDOT Director Scott Kubly, Bikeworks, and members of other groups advocating for safe streets. This intersection has lights, crosswalks, safety islands. The community expressed demands forĀ  lower speeds, police enforcement, and drivers who will focus their attention on driving and take responsibility for their actions. DSC05326 DSC05320 DSC05301 DSC05304

WSBC Meeting – Tues Nov 4

We will be meeting to share news and plan activities.
Tuesday, Nov 4
6:30 to 8:00 pm
HomeStreet Bank, 41st Ave SW at SW Alaska St, Seattle

Open meeting — if you are interested in travel by bike in West Seattle, you are invited and welcome!