S Lander Street Bridge – a Complete Street?

Scenes from the site of the proposed S Lander Street Bridge during 10 minutes on a Monday mid-afternoon. This is West Seattle’s connection to ST Light Rail, Beacon Hill, and major employers like Seattle School District HQ, Starbucks HQ, USPS in SODO. Freight, yes, but also people on buses, on bikes, and on foot.

At $140,000,000, this one bridge will cost more than Seattle is spending on all bike lanes, greenways and trails throughout the entire city over the next 8 years of the Move Seattle Levy, at current rates.  For $140,000,000, thus bridge should work for everyone!

See SDOT’s “30% Design” proposal and comment in the online open house on the one-sided bike/ped sidewalk, and what needs to happen to make this work for bike transportation.

Good discussion in Seattle Bike Blog, with link to our comment letter after the previous open house.

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